Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Reader Poll: Why is Gary such a Contrary Curmudgeon?

Post your theories in the comments.


Drizzt said...

he needs to poo

christopher dukehart said...

yeah... i think he's constipated.

David A. N. Cheifetz said...

hilarious joke told to me by mina: What did the mathematician do when he was constipated? He worked it out with a pencil. haha

Drizzt said...
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Drizzt said...

that's pretty good! i likey.

here's one, but i guess it's more funnyierest when you HEAR it, rather than READ it, so go tell someone this joke.

a priest, a rabbi, and a whale all walk into a bar. they take a seat and the bartender asks "what're you all having?" the priest says "i'll take a glass of wine, because it symbolizes the blood of christ, which he shed for us and to symbolize forgiveness for our sins.." the rabbi says "I will have a glass of manishevitz, because it is a kosher wine, and it also happens to be passover, which is a time for remembering the time that god spared our people when he killed all of the first-born in egypt..." the whale said "wheeee-ohhhhh---unnggggg....eeeeeeee..."