Thursday, August 28, 2008

that gave me a great idea... barack hōmbama

"i'm barack hōmbama and i approve this message"


christopher dukehart said...

i rather thought people might get a kick out of this... i guess not =( hahaha

Drizzt said...

it IS rather clever, i'm just really busy today...

christopher dukehart said...

so what did you guys think of barack speech last night??? i thought it was great, very empowered and addressed directly his plans(in great detail)for his time in office. BRAVO... now, now about McCain's pandering to the soccer moms of the country with his pick for VP. talk about a hail marry (love me my sports analogies lol)

Yasmine said...

B.O. is on my list of most irritating pet peeves. We don't have a TV and I got home too late last night to watch anyway, (oh and yeah, watching him pontificate makes me want to throw something at the screen) but from the paper/blogger reports it seems like he was "bright and articulate" as usual, to quote his veep.

I was pretty shocked by McCain's pick. Although it makes some sense. I don't think he's pandering to soccer moms per se, but I definitely think this is a ploy to poach some disaffected hillary supporters. As a disaffected hillary supporter myself, I have to say that while I like McCain and his fuddy-duddy ways, his veep pick will likely not be enuf to sway me to his side.

Yasmine said...

Oh and although I'm not an obama fan, I love this picture. Very funny!