Wednesday, August 27, 2008

EXTRA! EXTRA! imposter or tru-mōnk?

Who IS 4aSafeWorld!? Our blog community has been pondering this burning question for nigh on 13 minutes. Are we safe? Can he/she be trusted? More updates soon.


christopher dukehart said...

well luke doesn't have blue eyes so it can't be him...

Drizzt said...

well, we don't have any evidence to peg them as 'imposter', but they haven't yet proved any sort of monk-liness. actually, we've not heard ANYTHING from this super ninja - so stealthy in fact that they are silent. oh so silent. well, fear not monks of hom, i have installed a nightingale wooden floor alarm system on our hom page. so, keep your ears open, and your eyes alert.

i'm going to kick myself when someone reminds me who brian geller is, too, i'm sure.

David A. N. Cheifetz said...

Oh, the ninja is luke by the way. Why did you pick that name luke? It sounds like something your mom would choose. Seems disingenuous. You should've used"4aDarkrWorld" or "4aWickedWorld666" or something. Also how come when you cover up all of your face except your eyes you totally look like a girl?

ShadowKnows said...

Well, I suppose people should know that I have a full-blown superhero complex. The real reason why I work out so much is that I want to be a superhero. Watchmen was a little too influential for me. That tag is just the beginning. However, please stop me if I start wearing spandex of any kind. Sexy, sexy spandex...