Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Who's Your Monster???

alright guys... i've got some logo ideas i've been working on as place holder until david whips something better up. for now though who do you like and what should his name be? maybe it will help david out a little ={ grrrr


Drizzt said...

blue guy with brains is my vote.
i like:




Yasmine said...

Actually, I'm pretty sure blue guy is actually a blue girl. Chris? she's a girl right? Looks pretty feminine to me.

I like them all...together. Shouldn't it be a group pic since this is a group blog?

Yasmine said...

Does anyone know how to do this?

Some blogs have a thing on the side where it shows the latest post. ie:

Yasmine on "whose your monster"
Yasmine on "what is the purpose of this blog"
Gary on "Whose your monster" etc.

That would be cool. I'm not volunteering bc i don't know how, but I think it would be a nice addition. And make it easier for anyone whose having trouble with the current format. (jonathan). :)

christopher dukehart said...

yeah sounds great!!! who knows how to do this? anyone?

christopher dukehart said...

oh and isn't this already open to everyone? mina please clarify cause i'm comfused =)

Yasmine said...

already open to everyone??? did I say that?

Yasmine said...

I think I said "having trouble with current format" ... as in, having trouble navigating thru new posts/thinks this format is cumbersome. that was actually more of a joke than anything, in response to Jonathan's bitching. ;)

Drizzt said...

Huh? What?
I think I am comfused two.
I just figured out how to write on your little internets thing, so I don't know what your "(o) <3 8==D" means.

christopher dukehart said...

got it... i think i was misreading the "group pic" comment ooops

as to that i want to keep it a little less specific to us OGs so as not to discourage others from joining in on the fun ehh =|?

Drizzt said...

wait - on that note:
who else is invited to read/join this groupie anyways...?

christopher dukehart said...

anyone... or at least thats how i envision it. i can't see why anyone that didn't know at least some of us would join so that shouldn't be a problem

christopher dukehart said...

the "monsters" have names now but they are just place holders for the purpose of the second poll i'm putting up. please feel free to make suggestions =) though i am a bit partial to barfentugginwall lol

David A. N. Cheifetz said...

Actually, i like the title/logo as it is! simple and doesn't take too much room?

christopher dukehart said...

dude... the logo isn't going to go on the title bar so don't worry about that.

David A. N. Cheifetz said...

word, than i like barfen