Wednesday, August 27, 2008

mōnks of HōM

...sounds a bit like a robin hood-esque group from the middle ages, but more interested in butts and beads and smeg and cheese of course.

anyways, i think that since we're throwing out ideas for icons/mascots, etc. i think we should seriously be thinking about a good epic theme song/battle cry, a honorable pledge, a poem or two, and a flag. we seriously need to get working on this stuff. ...or maybe i seriously need to get back to work...

...wasn't i supposed to be at a meeting about now or something...?


christopher dukehart said...

this is of course all leading up to the GREAT HōM PODCAST that jonathan wet dreams about every knight. no seriously though isn't this what you are leading too?

Drizzt said...

come on all you hom boys!
homboy up and get your poet on!

throw out som really good hom-poetry and battle songs!
here's mine:

monks of hom slap your drum!
(sung to the tune of 'you are my sunshine)

you monks of hom come,
and slap my bum drum.
you know i do like
some nipple play.

don't grab too hard please
or i'll immolate you
come and slap my bum drum today.

Drizzt said...

...we should institute a dress code for all us homboys which requires us all to wear 'hombreros' on our heads and 'homkerchiefs' on our necks and covering our mouths. someone (chris) quick and mock up a picture of these fancy spaghetti western style homboys.

christopher dukehart said...

hahaha... love it but it will have to be another time, david???

Drizzt said...

...or we could be the gangsta type homboys with the diamond studded 'hom-hom' all around our necks and on each finger, and the 'hom john' jackets, the 'hom york' hats all tipped sideways with the 'hom rags' all up under them or hanging out of our back pockets - "but only on the rear side, yee-ah that's the hom side."