Thursday, September 11, 2008

Terror rides again!

Once there was a little ghost goblin guy who was very lonely and also very hungry. He said to his ghost goblin mother "mother - I am very lonely and also very hungry." His mother said, "if you are very lonely and also very hungry, why don't you go and make a friend and then eat them? the gnomes are very good for this type of thing." The little ghost goblin said "because that's what I did last time. I enjoyed making a new friend, but when I ate him, he wasn't my friend anymore. Also, because of my incorporeality, all of the contents of my stomach fall out onto the floor. So I am still hungry very soon after eating my (now late) friend." His mother said "he IS still your friend, it's just that now he is a memory. He is your dead friend, your friend on the floor. And your friend in your heart." The little ghost goblin felt much better after speaking with his mother about this, and went to stand in the little pile of friend that was on the floor. The End.

Shalaylaholla should do a movie about that, and it'd probably be way better than Woman in the Lake and certainly bester than Deadly Breeze.

I think if I was to look inside of Lukey's brain I would see something like a cross between a card catalogue and the floor of his bedroom. He should attach all important items to himself with string. Annimation is not a word, and I don't think that the person who added it as a label meant to spell it incorrectly. I have noticed that several words hear and their our spelled wrong on this blog. Perhaps this is intentional after all, and will soon become a HoM 'thing.' sort of like Barf and Tug. I think although even Luke can do this blog, maybe he is doing something else at the other time instead.

This post hasn't nothing to not do with the absence of anything, and nothing more than that. Which is why I am writing. So I'll write a little more. A little more.


christopher dukehart said...

wow... if you are correct about lukey's brain i would hate to see what yours looks like j lol =)

Drizzt said...

it looks like you are calling me what ashley's mom sometimes calls me "j glo" ...actually they calle dme that at mor mor too, and not even because they had heard her say it.

i think my brain would be full of string and cheese (but not string cheese).

yours would be full of a bunch of hamsters running all over the place.

...maybe that's why we get along - hamsters like cheese!

what about david's, you think?

Drizzt said...

i've noticed that there has been a lot of linking to other stuff going on, and not a lot of 'blogging' going on, so i was trying to jump start the bloggin action again.

we borrowed the first season of heroes from kyle. haven't started watching yet though.

christopher dukehart said...

i gotta figure david's brain is occupied pretty much entirely by boobies and beds made out of boobies... but not like dismembered boobies but rather those air mattresses that you float around in the pool on except rather than a continues undulating surface of plastic is a continues undulating surface of supple fleshy boobage and nipples.