Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My non-sexist liberal attack on...

OK. Quick semi-accurate history story. This promises to be a highly biased and perhaps poorly thought out argument... Warning protocols engaged.

Stalin began running the Soviet Union into the ground. Poor judgement and a grip on the idea that he alone was right are the seeds of Soviet collapse. Stalin dies and pick as his successor a party soldier. A true believer. Frankly, a bit of a hick. That hick was Nikita Krushchev.

Now, I like Krushchev. When I took a grad-level Soviet History course, the instructor painted him as a bit of a loveable buffon, as long as you ignore the "we will bury you" outburst. Krushchev did actually believe in the Soviet Union, he believed in the Revolution, and he loved his country. The problem is, this is never enough.

Lets say our nightmares come true. McCain is elected and becomes the doppelgänger of Bush, dies in office and leaves behind one of the most unqualified members of the Republican party. The main difference between Krushchev and Palin is that Krushchev at least believed he was doing what was right for his country. Bush style republicans believe in doing things for themselves.

Like them or not, Gulliani and Romney were at least qualified. Huckabee too. I guess that like Stalin, McCain does not want to be followed by anyone who could show him up...

Maybe I shouldn't post before my second cup of coffee?


christopher dukehart said...

wow... nice history lesson =) i'm surprised we haven't heard anything from jonathan on this image. he's a big fan of communist propaganda style art... and of palin lol!

David A. N. Cheifetz said...

What? At the risk of being way more of a jerk than I would be in real life (ahh the beauty of impersonal communication!)... You're right, that WAS a poorly thought out argument. Also people, one-sided political message board makes for boring blog. Ra Ra Ra. Yeah I'm an asshole. I'm the one who needs coffee. Love, -D

christopher dukehart said...

okay david... lets hear why you love palin and think she would be an excellent VP.

i can't wait to hear this =)

David A. N. Cheifetz said...

My disdain for Palin is in no way incongruous with my previous comment.

christopher dukehart said...

okay then... lets at least hear how she makes you feel warm in your loins then =)

jonathan? what have you to say on this subject?