Monday, September 15, 2008

most of you won't care but this was damn impressive

Jozy Altiodore (a 20 year old american striker) just played his first game with his new club Villarreal (the reigning second place team from the spanish la liga which is the best league in the world tied with the EPL) this is huge for the US as he is looking like he just might be the best american soccer player of all time and maybe one of the best up and coming youngsters in the world... think didier drogba with better foot skills. enjoy the highlight reel =) or try to


Darius Whiteplume said...

I guess that's why futbol has such a hard time in the States... A highligh reel with no slam dunks or touchdowns?!? "How does we know he did good, Earl?"

christopher dukehart said...

hahaha... yeah totally. its funny that we can think baseball or golf for crying out loud is exciting but not soccer. not to knock the sports but they are anything but exciting.

soccer/futbol whatever you call it is nonstop action. the ebb and flow is nothing but intense where every shot on goal can mean the difference between victory or defeat. gotta love a sport where a team with the craziest deep pockets in all of sports can actually loose if they don't show up and play =)

i actually think the biggest reasons soccer has struggled in the US have a lot more to do with the business of the game. tv marketers don't like it because they can't load it up with commercials but they will have to adapt. its a comfort thing, soccer is a hard game to appreciate if you don't understand the nuance of it and that only comes with watching it.

its crazy out here in seattle i think more people than not under the age of 40 or so actually seem to know and appreciate the beautiful game on the level of the other top sports... but i know we have a lot of international influence contributing to that. ok, i will stop rambling now i could go on all day =)

christopher dukehart said...

hahaha one more point actually... i think that here in the US we really love our sensationalism (just look at our politics) and soccer is a sport that is hard to cut down to a 10 second highlight reel because of its build up.

i also think the perspective hurts it for many americans who haven't been exposed to it because you can't see the players faces and our sporting culture tends to be about individuals more than team (just look at the olympic coverage if you don't see my point) 5 mins of play bios to every min of team competition.

Darius Whiteplume said...

It is a bit like hockey with a double sized rink. Maybe that is why American sports fans are so fascinated by bobble-heads?

christopher dukehart said...

hahaha i just did the math because i was curious but a FIFA regulation soccer field is actually exactly 5x the area of an NHL regulation rink hahha

200' x 85' for hockey

360' x 225' for soccer

hockey is a great sport though. very similar to soccer strategically.