Friday, September 12, 2008

Junkie Jesus

I'm at a loss. I saw this picture and I immediately thought Jesus was stealing a sweet hit of heroin from this junkie. Then I realized I got this from a serious source so I thought maybe it was actually implying that every time you shoot up, you are doing the same to Jesus. Which now that I think about it explains a lot.


christopher dukehart said...

wow... i'm not sure what to think myself but that sure is a REALLY REALLY interesting picture. wow somehow i think luke would like to have a print of that hanging over his bed

David A. N. Cheifetz said...

I love the collection of evil vices in the picture. This dude is seriously fucked up. Guns, cigarettes, alcohol, sniffable AND injectable narcotics, gambling, fake i.d., nunchuks, tattoos, earrings, skull, peeling paint, satanic handprint on door, scented candle. This guy is definitely hellbound.

Darius Whiteplume said...

How'd he cook his H with a straight spoon? What kinda noob is the guy? |-D

Seems they missed an opportunity. The Ace of Spades is the death card... or Aces and Eights is the dead man's hand. Of course, subtlety does not seem to be the word of the day ;-)

Darius Whiteplume said...

OK. Against my better judgement, I went to the listed on the pic. He seems to be a right-wing nut who is into low-grade semi-porn. He certainly wants to bang Sarah Palin... Palin may look like an aging porn star, but come on! I'd put Michael Palin in the spank-bank before Sarah Palin.