Thursday, September 11, 2008

Jon... Jon... Jon... you make it look so easy


Darius Whiteplume said...

That is a funny bit. What a tag-team bout! Rove and O'Reily vs Rove and O'Reily!

christopher dukehart said...

who is darius whiteplume? do we have another mystery person on HoM?

Darius Whiteplume said...

Maybe... I've just been following for a few days.

christopher dukehart said...

cool cool... i think you are actually our fist Monk from outside our circle of friends (the other mystery man ended up just being someone we knew with a pseudonym hahaha).

so i guess we are officially growing LOL. welcome and thanks for participating. hopefully you find HōM a pleasurable waste of time =)

Drizzt said...

fist monk?
i like koreans.

Darius Whiteplume said...

Cool, thanks. I am over at Adventures in Nerdliness. Just a little nothing blog to kill time. since I am a techie, most any time I spend in front of my PC can appear to be actual work. And all I needed was one CompTIA Cert!

christopher dukehart said...

cool... i added your url to the "fiends of HōM" expect massive traffic increase on your site lol =)