Monday, September 1, 2008

I don't like Facebook... and now I have company

Check out this article: Do social networks bring an end to privacy?

I've always felt serious reservations about social networks (yes, I know you can make your profile "private"). Does anyone else feel the same or am I just being a butter churner? Read. Discuss.


christopher dukehart said...

yeah... i totally know what you mean. good read good read.

did you check out HoM v2.0 yet?

Yasmine said...

I didn't quite realize that you had started a new one...thanks for pointing it out! Very cool. Although I was confused by the "MenoMena" the beginning I thought it was an instruction to me (Mina) that I would particularly like this video.

I'm so self centered.

Yasmine said...

When are we gonna see some new Lolo? Her public is hungry for more.

David A. N. Cheifetz said...

Yeah... I'm considering deleting my facebook account. While the privacy issues are troublesome, I mostly don't like facebook because it hasn't benefited me in any way. It serves no purpose for me. The only thing it has done is put me in brief contact with people I don't normally communicate with. Usually after a brief flurry of wall posts or messages, things go back to normal and people naturally continue to not communicate with people they weren't communicating with in the first place. Duh. Screw it... facebook/myspace/etc can bite me. I'm still all about the blogs though :)

christopher dukehart said...

yeah... i'm think i might do the same. that or i'm just going to continue to not really use either of them aside for replying to an occasional email from someone.

so what do you guys think of v2.0 so far? liking the design a whole lot better i hope. i've got a far superior comment system up and running already but all the content is just sorta filler at the moment. still trying to figure out how to allow for multiple authorship like we have going here. really the only big hurdle i got left to figure out. anyway, please let me know your thoughts =)

i think i'm really getting into this blogging idea but first i need to finish my design hahaha

Yasmine said...

Since I haven't used facebook, I can't really criticize it as inconvenient or cumbersome, but I agree with David that people naturally don't communicate with people they don't naturally communicate with. I think that's called a "truism". :)

I suppose I'm being picky, but the whole "friend" thing is weird to me- some people I know that have facebook pages have "friends" that they've never met in real life, and have no intention of meeting. Because in fact, they are strangers.

Mostly though, it's the privacy thing that weirds me out. The part in that article where they talked about facebook's using users to advertise products on their "friends" pages was totally freaky.