Monday, September 15, 2008

Biden Kicks Ass!

OK, I am posting a link, but will comment...

I am not overly into politics. I am a yellow dog democrat. I wanted Hillary Clinton to get the nomination, but hey. I am in Obama's corner now, and frankly like the guy a lot now that he gets to beat up on McCain rather than Hillary.

Now... The link below is to an All Things Considered report on Biden. Again, I am not that into politics... I knew Joe Biden exists, but not much beyond that. Then, I heard the snipets from the Michigan speech in the report. Biden is tough. Where has this guy been? Wasn't he trying to be president when Gary Hart was still a viable candidate?!? He seems to me to have the energy and drive of a Howard Dean or even Dennis Kucinich (I like Dennis, maybe I give him too much credit?).

Biden seems like the perfect match for Obama. He's an old school democrat who has been around the block a bit, and his energy will be a great asset. I hope he can help win back some of the lost Hillary supporters. I hope he can help get the Dems in the Whitehouse... I hope I don't have to emigrate to New Zealand (they are looking for IT people :-).


All Things Considered


christopher dukehart said...

wow... what an excellent speech from biden. hope to hear more of that side of him. totally reminds me of dean 4 years ago before he was brought down by audio amplification of all things. god he was so much better of a candidate than kerry. oh well, maybe it will all be worth it when obama becomes president. i still remember listening to him speak at the DNC for kerry and literally saying "holy crap, that guy is going to be our president one day" who knew it could be so soon.

excellent link dave

i don't catch enough NPR these days =)

Darius Whiteplume said...

Since I quit being a full time motorcyclist, I try to listen more. I was getting sick of the election... I knew who I was voting for... But fortunately NPR covers a lot more. If I could just find time to listen to the BBC too, I could become totally depressed ;-D