Wednesday, August 27, 2008

EXTRA! EXTRA! trash or content!

WILL there be anything of substance and/or quality posted on this blog? Or will it remain a sup-par comedy site? Experts speculate that the outlook is grim, as the only posters thus far on the blog have nothing of consequence to say. "Members who are possibly more articulate are encouraged to contribute", says local HoM member. More updates on this captivating story coming soon, LIVE!


Drizzt said...

i just posted a very serious thread about how we need to get to work if anyone is going to take us seriously as a sovereign nation.

...and i TRIED to get a conversation going about horror movies, but luke is missing in action/dead, so the conversation died abruptly.

christopher dukehart said...

to quote the oh so pertinent but OHH so aweful actor kevin costner... "if you build it they will come" so get crackin smeghead!